Beeinspired - created by Apimi!
Apimi is a Latvian company, which was created by us sisters - Madara and Ieva, inspired by our father - beekeeper and mother - family doctor, apitherapist. We have been familiar with bee products since childhood and have used them on a daily basis.
But as you know, not everyone knows and has fallen in love with these valuable bee products, so we came up with the idea to incorporate them in a slightly different form and introduce them. We also work to explore them more deeply and create new and valuable products for everyday life.
Apimi runā

Testa rezultāti: Apimi lūpu balzami veselām un ...
Augustā sadarbībā ar SIA "ApiMI" piedāvāja izmēģināt un salīdzināt komplektu no diviem "Apimi" lūpu balzamiem – Lūpu balzamu ar bišu vasku un Lūpu spīdumu. Šajā Bloga sadaļā vari lasīt atsauksmes...
Testa rezultāti: Apimi lūpu balzami veselām un ...
Augustā sadarbībā ar SIA "ApiMI" piedāvāja izmēģināt un salīdzināt komplektu no diviem "Apimi" lūpu balzamiem – Lūpu balzamu ar bišu vasku un Lūpu spīdumu. Šajā Bloga sadaļā vari lasīt atsauksmes...